A week later I thought I got mt first reject. But no as Natalie pointed out it was a request for a re-write. So now you know where I have been, madly doing re-writes. Adding description, removing characters (I had too many in the first few pages). Adding here, removing there. I finally have it finished I think. One of my new CPs has it at the moment and is going over it. That is scary, letting someone read my stuff and asking them to pull it to pieces. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
I sent off an entry for the Modern Heat contest, that gets announced at the end of the month. Not holding my breath on that one. I have also sent an entry in for the High Five Contest with RWAustralia. Plus I'm still tossing up whether to send in one of my erotic ones for the STALI. I'm a little concerned that it may be a bit over the top.

Talking about my erotic writing, I've decided to do away with one of my pseudonyms, so Sandra Carrington will no longer exist and I'll write my erotic and paranormal under Cassandra Cornell. I've come up with an idea for a series of short stories as well as the other WIPs I have on the go for Cassandra.

So that's me for the moment. I promise not to leave it so long in between post in future. Honest Suz. LOL. Oh and I have some news to share with you on the talented Suzanne Brandyn. She has her release dates for her first novel 'Passion In Paradise' e format is the 7th/8th January 2009 (just in time for my birthday hehehe) and print format is 20th/21st February 2009. If you get a chance drop over and congratulate Suz, I know she'd appreciate it. Here's her link:
Okay that's my news for now. Catch ya soon.