There is action going on all around me at the moment. On the home front, we have two mares ready to check to see if they are in foal. Its school holidays, so I have my grandson staying with during the week. Not a great deal of writing being done, but I am having fun. We had a day at a Cutting Horse sale on Friday. Can you believe that some fool would pay $85,000 for a horse? Lord, I could pay a new car for that much. Anyway, I have been in pain since. I think I may have put my hip out again, oh the joys of old age.

Let’s move on to my writing. I’m getting organized. Yes, I’m told I need to be more organized with my writing. Well just more organized in general. So, I have set up my boards, calendars and charts to keep track of where I’m going and how I’m going to get there. The picture on the left is my monthly calendar for October. Busy, aren’t I? Most of it is an on line conference I’m doing. Muse Conference it runs all week, lots of interesting workshops and chats lined up. The down side is that most of them are run in the early hours of the morning over here, like 1am to 4am. I don’t think I’m going to get much sleep that week.

As I said not a great deal of writing on my unfinished WIP’s being done, put I am slowly getting my edits and re-write organized on ‘We Were In Love’. I have also organized charts and calendars so I can keep track of where I’m up to with my writing. Plan for the rest of this month is to get edits and re-writes finished on ‘We Were In Love’. The picture on the right is my WIP tracking board. I have this one so I know what my word count is on each WIP, which ones I’m editing and doing re-writes on and if they are ready to go to my CPs or to submit. I am slowly getting a few into the editing and re-write sections. Hehehe.

This chart is for twelve months. The plan is to work out which WIPs I’ll be working on each month whether its writing, editing or doing re-writes. Of course, most of this depends on my characters and cooperative they are feeling. It will only take one and the whole thing could go pear shape. Down the bottom of the chart, I have a list of publishers I’d like to submit my works with; I have their word count requirements so I know which novels will fit where.

As November approaches, I will have my research notes to organize, time lines to write up and character and scene charts to write up. The novel I’m writing for November is ‘Chains of Love’. This is an historical romance; I’m aiming for about 100 to 110K. I’m going to try and do my character charts and scene notes ahead of time with this one, as well as a time line. I need to make sure I have the historical facts right before I start writing.

News on my fellow writing pals.
Christina Phillips novel ‘Foretaste of Forever’ is due for release in October, just in time for Halloween. How cool is that book cover? Don’t forget to go and visit Christina’s blog and get all the information. In addition, a couple of my other writing friends won runner-ups with the ‘Feel the Heat’ competition. Congratulations, Felicity Rogers and Rachael Blair, I am so proud of both girls they have worked so hard on their stories.
I’ve also had a spring clean of sorts. I made the decision to delete one of my pseudonyms, I mean, really did I need two erotic romance pen names? The short answer is NO! I’ve delete most of my profile network sites as well. I wasn’t going anywhere near them and if I did, I felt I was spending too much time away from my writing. Speaking of writing, my hubby is back at work today (we just had a long weekend) & my grandson is having the day with SIL, I have peace and quiet, what better time to write.
Catch ya next time.