Here are the topics Lynn will be workshoping:
Monday: July 13th: Conceptual Planning, Construction and Development -- an architectural approach to concept writing.
Tuesday: July 14th: Middlemarch -- plotting and writing the middle of the story.
Wednesday: July 15th: E-Future Part I -- first part of a two-day workshop on digital publishing.
Thursday: July 16st: E-Future Part II -- second part of a two-day workshop on digital publishing.
Friday: July 17th: Art vs. Life -- using your creative talents to find solutions to problems in your writing life and everyday life, especially when the two collide.
Saturday: July 18th: Diversify and Survive -- approaches and strategies to help strengthen your publishing career.
Sunday: July 19th: Agents and Writers -- the reality of literary representation, and how to deal with an agent after signing.
Monday: July 20th: Ask PBW Anything -- Open Q&A where you can grill me on anything writing- or biz-related.
So this year helping Lynn out with workshops:
Alison Kent ~ How To Books that Saved My Life.
Shiloh Walker ~ Epubs - Wondering Where to Start?
Kait Nolan ~ From Pantser To Plotter: How I Joined the Dark Side.
Midnight Spencer ~ Word Count and Categories.
Maria Zannini ~ Killer Campaigns: Marketing Calender.
Rosina Lippi ~ Writing Prompts Series - Who Two?
Six Sexy Sirens ~ E-publishing: From query to Final Edits and Beyond.
Suelder ~ Birds and Flight.
Tamlyn Leigh ~ Break Through Your Writing Fears & Write.
Hope you find something that will interest you at these sites.
Happy writing.