However, this post is not about me, my writing, or my life, it is about one of my nieces whom I am so proud of. Last year Lee-anne decided to start making clothes for little girls to help out with finances. Nothing too big she thought just a bit of pocket money. Well her little project Hannah Bananna is going in leaps and bounds. She has even expanded out into making clothes for boys.

Anyway, I love this little pants suit Lee-anne made a week ago and Hannah looks just so cute in it. Very much the model pose.
I know this isn’t one of Lee-anne’s outfits but I had to show off young Jack skateboarding. LOL how he managed to carry that board is beyond me, it looks like it is bigger than him.
If you know of anyone looking for fresh, not to be seen on every child you pass clothes tell them about
Hannah Bananna Blog or get them to visit one of Hannah Bananna’s Online Shops.
Oh and check out the books Lee-anne made up for Hannah and Jack so cute. What a talented niece I have. LOL.
I’ll be back doing regular posts again soon.