What I'm Watching: Grey's Anatomy & NCIS
What I'm Working On: Novella ~ 'A Titanic Affair' and novel 'Lady Mounthall'
Okay, I knew it had been a while since I'd last posted but 4 MONTHS, that is not good, even with all the good reasons under the sun that I have. So what has been happening in my life?
First I had a wonderful time at the RWAustralia Conference in August. The workshops were fantastic, the venue fabulous, and the organisers, well what can I say, they were out of this world.
Shortly after arriving home and a visit to my doctor I was advised I needed to find a way to ease the stress levels in my life and to cut down the time I spend on the computer, this would make it impossible for me to carry on my role as Secretary of RWAustralia, so with much sadness I stepped down. While my health is improving, I still have aways to go before I can start to increase my computer time.

Hunter Romance Writers, (HRW) were lucky enough to receive a grant from RWAustralia this year, which we are going to use to run a one day 'Self-Publishing Workshop' presented by Cathleen Ross. This will take place on 3rd November, something we are all looking forward to with much excitement.
Left: A mock cover for 'A Titanic Affair'
My plans for the next few weeks, work on improving my health. Continue to work on my novella, this is to be included an anthology series with HRW early next year. And bring Lady Mounthall up to scratch, I've had a change in the plotting. This is what happens when you are a panster, I'm working on changing that aspect of my writing.
Well that is it for now, hopefully I won't leave it so long next time.