Brooke Fairfax is the rebellious member of her family. It is a title she has carried for so long with pride she no longer knows how not to rebel against everything her father stands for. Now out on her own and earning a living from her art work, she resents even more her father’s interference in her life.
Being summon home after an altercation she found herself in doesn’t help matters. But after seeing the new mechanic working for old Fred she decides a little fun is just what she needs. Besides what better way to get her father back, then to start a torrid affair with the hired help, so to speak.

One thing was for sure, the last thing he needed in his life was a woman. He’d had more than enough of lying cheating women. He sure didn’t need Brooke Fairfax sashaying her cute little butt around the place. She had trouble written all over her, and if he wasn’t careful he would have that trouble all over him.
I'm going to do an interview with Mac over the next couple of days, and I'll post that on my hero blog. By the way have you been over to have a look at my photo slid some very nice chests on display over there. Even if I do say so myself.
Hey, what'd I say?
Miss Diane it would have something to do with your message below when I said I was going to do the challenge.
'The challenge may be to come up with something that is only 25000 words long, and not let your characters hog your time and mind longer.'
LOL. You know me so well.
see, I do have amnesia!
Well, that's my excuse anyway.
Anyway, my stories always expand way beyond my original estimation of word count.
Sounds intriguing...
I have been to your "beefcake" blog. Man, what a time suck! I just sit there and stare...when I should be writing. It's a fun place to go "play"! I love it.
LOL Diane, you poor old thing.
Devon I'm glad you like my man site, they are pretty cool.
Sandie... love it!!! Can't wait to see more... I am off now to the "beefcake" blog - need some serious escapism!!!
hi sandie. dont worry i do the same thing. i have this idea of what is suppose to happen and yet it's like the story has its own ideas and i cant stop it.
i'm so nervous about 50k in 30day and yet you're doing two challenges at the same time. eek!
good luck and happy writing
I'm pleased you like my story blurb Amanda. Let's hope the story itself holds up. I hit 17,000 words this morning YAYAYA.
Kez, I find it easy doing two or more challenges at once. They just over lap one another really. I'm also doing a couple of BIWA this week and next. As Rachel C said 'I'm a challenge slut'. I can't help myself, I see the words 'writing challenge' and I'm like "Hell yeah, I'm in that."
No need to be nervous about 50/30 just take it one day at a time and you'll be fine. :-)
I do find it also kind of spooky that my WIP has a down syndrome sibling in it too...
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