Monday, June 30, 2008

The end is here, yes 50ks In 30 Days has come to an end. What a wonderful month with have had. We started with the month with 51 challengers and ended with 46 either completing the challenge or at least getting some great word totals. Everyone has said that they have enjoyed the month and have never written so many words in a month before.

RC, you know Rachel C/Rhian is hoping to reach 100k. I’ve decided to call her Queen of the Bionic Fingers. She has had an amazing month. The last couple of days we have seen a lot of the girls make the sprint home, a few had not been sure at the start of the month if they would make it to the 50k, but true to the Aussie sprite they continued on. Other just had the whole universe fighting against them and no matter what they did event from the real world just would not leave them alone. Yet they continued, continued writing determined to at least work towards a personal best.

So what was my final total? Well that would be 75,080. I now have three novels of 50k to edit as well as two of 15k. So July is looking at being another busy month, I’m thinking this editing may roll over into August which is fine, as long as at the end I have something that will be worthwhile submitting.

Well that’s me for another challenge. I have a few BIAW coming up, but other than that life may be a little slower. WOOHOO won’t that be nice.



Christina Phillips said...

Hey Sandie, huge congrats on your fantastic total. I've loved this challenge month and thank you so much for inviting me! I never would have written so much if I hadn't been involved with the loop!

Sandie Hudson said...

Christina I'm so glad you got so much out of it. We did have a great month didn't we? I can't wait to see how the word meters look once we have all the totals in and have updated them.

I think we just might have a yearly event going on here.


Amanda said...

Hey Sandie... great work! I am all for a yearly event... perhaps even biyearly... it is only 2 months out of 12 after all - and look at what we all have achieved...!!


Sami Lee said...

Congratulations Sandie, it's a huge achievement!

Devon Gray said...

Hi Sandie! Did you think I'd fallen off the face of the earth?! I have been so busy trying to juggle all of my new responisiblities- it was kinda overwhelming but I think I MAY have a somewhat firm grasp on it now (yeah, right). Congratulations on all your progress! That's a lot of writing to get done. I have been tied to the keyboard as well. I completed a 40k book and another 25k. Now I'm trying to figure out what to write next! Take a deep breath and jump in to July- sounds like it will be a busy one for you!


Rachael Blair said...

75+K??? I think your fingers are pretty bionic too!


Unknown said...

Congrats Sandie. I had a great time and it seemed so did many others. Funny how much we can still squeeze into a day, huh.
all the best for BIAW