Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas & Contest Update

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and received lots of great presents from Santa. I got a new office chair, it's very pretty and very comfortable with lots of adjustments. Hubby and I are having a couple of quite days at home now. My Mum came and had Christmas with us, that was nice. The only down side was that she let some guy in her house the other day and he stole her wallet. I don't know how many time my brothers and sisters and I have told her not to let strangers into her house. Anyway at least she's okay which is the most important thing, it is a worry though with her living on her own.

So onto the writing side of things.

I'm in to the third round of Karin Tabke 'First Line' Contest. YAY that is one better than last year so far. Of course I posted my third line then stressed as to whether it is any good. Not much I can do about it now though. Now the wait is on until Tuesday. (Tuesday for us Aussie writers anyway).

I also entered Leigh Michaels and Rachelle Chase's 'Chase the Dream Writers Contest'. I'd never heard of this one until my good writing buddy Monique Wood told me about it the other day. What a sweetheart Monique is. I emailed my entry off, but I have until January before we get any results.

I've also signed up to do reviews with Fallen Angel Reviews, that should be interesting. I'm going to add the reviews I do on my Review Blog once they have been added to the FAR site. I also do reviews for Writers and Readers of Distinctive Fiction , it's one of the Ning Network sites I'm a member of.

Next month I'm going to be doing an interview with Suzanne Brandyn her first novel 'Passion In Paradise' is due for digital release on the 7th January 2009 in the US and 8th January 2009 in Australia. So please keep an eye out for Suzanne's book and her interview here on the 8th January.


Diane said...

Woohoo Sandie, the New Year hasn't even hit and you're already out there.

I'll be posting about my writing goals probably New Years Eve and posting the email I sent myself a year ago through to work out how much of it came true.

Haven't worked out what I'm entering into Chase the Dream yet.

It sounds like you are going to be very busy on the writing front!

Sandie Hudson said...

Hey Diane,
Yes I think I'll have more than enough to keep me out of trouble. LOL.

I got my email from futureme the other day. I was pleased to see a achieved my goal of finishing 4 novels. YAY.


Karin* said...

Good luck in the contest, Sandie! And Happy New Year!

Karin Tabke

Eleni Konstantine said...

Yay - great going Sandie...wishing you all the best for 2009!

Anita Davison said...

Hi Sandie

I know I haven't been in touch lately,but wondered how things were going for you so came over to read your blog and to wish you a Happy Writing 2009.[The chant of writers everywhere]

You are obviously very busy and your blog is great. I'll try and get to some of your reviews too as they look great.

I too have joined the Review Blogging World for So do drop by sometime
Lots of love
