I am joined today by
Suzanne Brandyn whose first novel ‘
Passion In Paradise’ is digital released today from The Wild Rose Press. Look out for the print format 21 February 2009.
Suzanne, thank you for taking the time to chat with us today, and congratulations on the release of your first novel. I have to ask,
how are you feeling now you have your novel published?

I’m excited and a little nervous. I’m looking forward to the reviews.
Can you tell us a little about your novel?
Passion In Paradise was originally titled seven days. The first three chapters were entered in the RWAustralia Emerald Competition gaining a mark of 95%. I had to withdraw it as it was accepted for publication. I wanted to get two characters stranded on an island. It all took off from that single idea.
How long did you spend on writing your novel?Oh now that’s a hard question. I wrote ‘Passion In Paradise’ in the National Novel Writing Month. But then a lot of edits followed to perfect little mistakes. :-)
In writing your novels, how do you decide what point of view to use?
This depends on which character has the most to lose but basically most of my manuscripts are 65% in the heroine’s POV.
Tell me a little about your writing process. How do you get yourself into the mood to write?
I really don’t get myself into the mood to write. I am in the mood to write. I think this stems from the desire to want to succeed, the desire to see my novels published and the desire to fulfill readers dreams.
Do the characters take on a life of their own? Or, do you direct where they go and what they do?I basically have a general plot and a few subplots, but yes, my characters at times tend to do something I never planned. Usually when this happens it is such a great turning point and works out well.
Did you want to be a writer when you were growing up?
No, I wanted to be an airhostess. ;-)
What is your revision process like?
Once my manuscript is finalized I print it out. Then I read it through marking what needs to be changed. I pick up more discrepancies that way. I also read chapter for chapter aloud. This is a great way to pick up mistakes.
What are you working on now?I have recently finished a category and currently I’m finalizing another
.What writers have influenced you?I guess I could say Nora Roberts. But I admire most authors and their talent and ability to tell a good story.
What is your daily writing schedule like?I try to write four days a week with an hour here or there. It depends on what I’m doing. I get up at seven, walk, attend to any domestic duties and by nine I am at my desk tapping away until five or five thirty. When I’m in my story I find that by five I have missed lunch and that’s not a good thing. Lol. But it continually happens.
Do you keep a journal?Definitely. This is where everything in my life goes. I have done since 1994.
Do you have any bad writing habits?I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. All writers have bad writing habits. I tend to be repetitive. This includes using the same word over and over. You know pet words. I am becoming more aware of repetitiveness. ;-)
Can you tell us something about yourself that we would never guess?An accident brought me to writing. The first accident in 1994, I wrote short stories articles etc. I then regained my health and joined the workforce until another accident in 2004 brought me back to my writing. Now, I am too in love with what I do to ever consider doing anything else. :-)
Suzanne thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions. I wish you every success with your novel, I know I’m looking forward to reading it.
Thank you Sandie. Thank you for having me. It has been wonderful. A great new experience for me. :-)
Enjoy! ;-)
If you would like to purchase Suzanne’s novel ‘Passion In Paradise’ go here to
The Wild Rose Press.