Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wednesday's Wisdom

Seeing as I am in editing mode. (Okay well not in it exactly now, but soon. Very Soon) I thought I would donate this Wednesday's Wisdom's to quotes on editing. Before I go on to that though I have an update on Karin Tabke 'One Line' contest. YES... I'm Still in ... WOOHOO. Top 35.

Now onto those quotes:

What I have crossed out I didn't like. What I haven't crossed out I'm dissatisfied with.
- Cecil B. De Mille

Editing is the same as quarreling with writers -- same thing exactly.
- Harold Wallace Ross

The waste basket is a writer's best friend.
- Isaac Bashevis Singer

Words and sentences are subject to revision; paragraphs and whole compositions are subjects of prevision.
- Barrett Wendell

All writing is a process of elimination.
- Martha Albrand

There is no great writing, only great rewriting.
- Justice Brandeis

Catch ya tomorrow.

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