Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sexy Saturday ~ An Update

So update on the editing thing. 'We Were in Love' has been placed on the back burner because it was giving me the sh*ts, all was going well than it fell into a piles of ... well you know. So I'm working on 'The Godmother's Wish' instead.

One of my writing buddies Monique Wood is going to have her short story published in the RWA Little Gem anthology how cool is that? I'm soooooo pleased for our Mon.

After posting on Thursday another headaches hit me, than I got all teary. I really think this cleaning out my parents home is getting to me. I mean, this was a big part of my life for seventeen years before I married and moved away. But it's been there, I could always go back anytime I wanted, now it is going to be my nieces home. I'm happy for her and her partner, I'm happy the family home is staying within our family, but I can't just go and use a key and let myself in when ever I want. Tomorrow Jim and I are going down to remove the last of my Mum and Dad's belongings, than there will be just an empty house. I'm feeling a little down today, but things change, life goes on and at least I still have my Mum.

Yesterday I watched 'Mama Mia', what a great movie. So my sexy pics for today is the three maybe Dads. Colin Firth, Pierce Brosnan and Stellan Skarsgård.


Mon Wood said...

Aw, thanks Sandie!

I'm feeling a little weird about it now. You know, the naked and exposed analogy from Bootcamp? Yikes. Hide me, hide me! Lol.

Btw, Pierce is still hot for his age, as is Colin. Not sure about the other bloke, though...

Robyn Grady said...

Yay for Monique!!! It's going to be a fantastic Gems this year. Terrific cover as well as stories =)

Sandie, (hugs) on your parents' house issue. I'm glad your mum's settling in.

And Mama Mia!! OMG. I laughed like crazy, then I cried. My fav part is the end clip where CF comes out with a big tummy. SO funny. And MS was sensational!

Robbie x

Mon Wood said...

Thanks, Robbie! Hope I finally get to meet you at the conference :-)

Sandie Hudson said...

I agree Robbie, the clips at the end were so funny.

Thanks for dropping by.