Start my writing day by 9am each day and finish by 4pm. Aim is to edit 5 pages per day.
Finish editing SMU and ‘The Billionaire Lie’, was previously titled, ‘If I Were a Rich Man’ ready to submit in February.
- SMU submit to eHarlequin Spice Briefs or Noble Romance for CC.
- The Billion’s Lie submit to eHarlequin.
Have ‘Cruisin the Blog’ posts started by the Tuesday of each week ready to post by the Saturday evening.
Work on ‘Bookshelf Saturday’ throughout the month ready for posting by the last Saturday of the month.
Gather more information on the founding years and growth of the RWAus for Wikipedia article.
Saturday and Sundays – critiquing days as well as updates for Goodreads and Shelfair.
Blog each Tuesday and Thursday on my blogspot site.
Blog each Tuesday and Thursday on my blogspot site.
Blog on first of the month on both my Heroine Diaries and Heroes Blogs.
Update Challenge and Novel Blogs the second Sunday of the month.
Blog on the 109ers Bootcamp Blog every three weeks.
Read at least one novel a week.
Exercise for 30 minutes each day.
Stick to my diet to lose 5kgs.
Edit ‘By Her Father’s Design’ was previously titled ‘Right Where I Need to Be’ and IT, ready to submit in March.
- By Her Father’s Design ready to submit to eHarlequin.
- IT submit to Noble Romance. For CC
The third Saturday of the month is NewMait Writers’ meeting.
The rest are as January!!
Edit ‘Tyler’s Return’ was previously ‘We Were in Love’.
- Tyler’s Return ready to submit to eHarlequin
The third Saturday of the month is NewMait Writers’ meeting.
The rest of my goals are the same as January, except for my weight which I hope to be at the stage I’ll just need to maintain my goal weight.
That is it for the first three months, I’ll have word counters in the side panel so you can see how I’m progressing.
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.
You've worn me out just reading about it.
I wish you luck and hope you can keep up with your busy schedule,
And now you've inspired me to write down my goals too,
Wow! That's a whole lot of stuff you'll have going on, Sandie. Wishing you all the very best for your goals, especially with editing and submissions.
And I think the work you do for the RWAus is phenomenal. I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to thank you very much for all the hard work and hours you put in. It's people like you that make the RWAus such an amazing organisation.
Cathryn you are not alone in wanting to thank the brilliant Sandie for all the work she does for RWAus. Thanks Sandie.
Like Suzie said, you have worn me out just by reading this blog.
All the best for 2010!
Hi Sandie,
I'll be checking up on those goals each month now. lol... I too have a few, but not as extensive as yours. :)
All the best,
Suz :)
Hey Sandie
You have to officially be the closest geographical blogger I have met. Tell me you have or are starting a writers group and I will be a very happy camper.
Rather nice site you've got here. Thank you for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read more on that blog soon.
Hi Sande,
Yes, I do have a couple of groups. One is a romance writers group, the other is a creative writers group. We meet at the East Maitland Library, 2nd & 3rd Saturday of the month. First meeting for CW 14th Feb and the Romance Writers 20th Feb, you are more than welcome to join us.
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