Sunday, March 8, 2015

Fashion Month ~ La Belle Assemblee ~ May 1818

Well here it is Sunday and I'm doing my first post since last week. I don't think I will say when I'll be posting each week as it never works out how I plan.

PLEASE NOTE: All spelling used in this post is as written in the magazine.

MORNING DRESS:- Dishabille round dress, finished at the border with open vandykes and embossments of rich embroidery, over which are three rows of narrow tucks, two tucks in each row. Full sleeves à-î- Estqus, finished at the wrist with a double ruffle of lace; the gown made partially low, and trimmed with lace next the bust; plain fichu of fine French lawn worn underneath. Village cornette of fine lace, ornamented simply with a broad satin ribband, of celestial blue. Kid slippers of Modena red.

WALKING DRESS:- Bridal morning robe of fine cambric, richly embroidered, and trimmed with puckered muslin round the border and down the front, which folds over à-la-Sultane. Elizabeth spenser and bonnet of etherial blue; the spenser elegantly ornamented in a novel style with white satin, &c. The bonnet of blue satin and fine net, crowned with a superb bouquet of full-blown white roses; a Brussels lace cornette is worn with this elegant bonnet. Cachemire shawl drapl, with a rich variegated border: triple ruff of broad Brussels lace. Half-boots of etherial blue kid, the upper part of fine cachemire coloured cloth.


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