Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Setting Goals for 2009
So here are mine.
1. Do editing and rewrites on my finished manuscripts.
2. Submit to Agents, Editors or Publishing Houses.
3. Complete all current WIPs
4. Update blog on a more regular routine.
5. Visit my friends blogs more often.
6. This is the big one - Get Published!!!!!
There are properly a lot of other things I want to do but that will do for now, I can always add more later.
Wishing you a Happy New Year.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas & Contest Update
So onto the writing side of things.
I'm in to the third round of Karin Tabke 'First Line' Contest. YAY that is one better than last year so far. Of course I posted my third line then stressed as to whether it is any good. Not much I can do about it now though. Now the wait is on until Tuesday. (Tuesday for us Aussie writers anyway).
I also entered Leigh Michaels and Rachelle Chase's 'Chase the Dream Writers Contest'. I'd never heard of this one until my good writing buddy Monique Wood told me about it the other day. What a sweetheart Monique is. I emailed my entry off, but I have until January before we get any results.
I've also signed up to do reviews with Fallen Angel Reviews, that should be interesting. I'm going to add the reviews I do on my Review Blog once they have been added to the FAR site. I also do reviews for Writers and Readers of Distinctive Fiction , it's one of the Ning Network sites I'm a member of.
Next month I'm going to be doing an interview with Suzanne Brandyn her first novel 'Passion In Paradise' is due for digital release on the 7th January 2009 in the US and 8th January 2009 in Australia. So please keep an eye out for Suzanne's book and her interview here on the 8th January.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Australia the Movie

As for Hugh Jackman, well what can I say put ‘Oh, my God what a body.’ Okay that is a very sexist remark, (sorry Hugh). In truth, Hugh pulled the role of The Drover off so well, (I really don’t think Russell Crowe would have had the same appeal). Hugh is all we as romance writers want in a hero. Is it little wonder he is used as a pin-up for hero material and inspiration?

Of course, I can’t leave out young Brandon Walters as the young aboriginal boy Nullah who narrates most of the film; he is one young actor to keep an eye out for. All the reviews have praised this young boy and they are all well founded.
I loved this film and I’m looking forward to it coming out on DVD so I can buy it, I have a feeling it will be one I watch quite a few times. I’d give it 4 ½ stars. My hubby enjoyed it and is recommending it to friends as a great movie to see. Try it you may be pleasantly surprised.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Online Contests & Shopping Is Good
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
NaNo Over for Another Year!

National Novel Writing Month has come to an end for me this year. I’ve written my 50,000 words and very pleased that I’m finished. Have you ever written a novel and wondered why you are putting yourself through this torture? I mean writing should be fun right? It is a profession where we get to decide what we want to do, so would anyone in their right mind write something they are not enjoying?
My answer is I’m obviously not in my right mind. Not that, that is something new to me or anyone that knows me well enough. LOL. You know what I’m looking forward to the most now? It’s getting back to my other characters, the one’s they never behave themselves but at least they tell me things in some sort of order.
Editing is going into full swing in a couple of days. I’m going to be tough, stick to a route, and not let anything or anyone distract me. And if I tell myself that enough I just may believe it too.
Friday, November 21, 2008

Cool picture hey? Yes, well Rhain Cahill and Diane Curran gave me this award which is great, RC is a fellow Aussie living in Singapore and a dear friend, plus one of the three founding Topless Table Dancing Tarts along with Diane Curran these two ladies keep me on the straight and narrow and if I need to vent they are always there ready to listen (okay read) about my complaints. Now I need to nominate some people for the 'I Love Your Blog' Awards. Here's what you have to do:
After receiving the award, if you’d like to participate, you must:
1) Add the logo of your award to your blog. - Done
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you. - Done
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs. - Done
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog. - Done
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs. - Will be done shortly.
My nominee's:
#1. Annie Doyle - Annie was one of the first girls I really connected with on ROMAUS. When I need a friend Annie is always there.
#2. Eleni Konstantine - Eleni is another fellow Aussie and member of ROMAUS. Eleni is always there with an encouraging word when ever things get you down.
#3. Rachael Johns - Rachael was the brains behind our 50ks in 30 days challenge in June.
#4. A Dribble of Drivel - Yes the Dribbler is another Aussie who always has something interesting to say on her blog.
#5. Amanda Freeman - Amanda is one of my fellow Endurance Writers. If I ever need to get my word count going all I need to do is log in with Amanda and the girls and I'm off and running.
#6. Tannia Franklin - Tannia is one of my fellow NaNo's and ROMAUS member. Tannia is great she always has helpful little tit bits to help keep you on track.
#7. Monique Wood - Moni is a crack up. When ever I'm feeling down I just have to read a post from Mon and I'm smiling and laughing. Plus she's a girl after my own heart a huge Hugh Jackman fan.
Okay there you have it. Of course there are other's but I don't want to be greedy and add everyone. After all the girls have to have someone to nominate as well. LOL.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A tip for Tuesday
Day 11:
Bathe Your Imagination.
Among the weird places where writers find inspiration, the shower is one of the more common. “Your body is totally relaxed and your mind is totally relaxed,” says Ray Bradbury of his trips to the steamy plot chamber, “then the little explosions, the little revelations come.’
Spend some time today investigating those places and situations that allow your mind plenty of room to wander -- a walk, a bike ride, standing in line at the bank – and soak in the literary results.
Hope you writing is progressing well.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Have You Hurled Anything Yet?
Day 8:
The Plot Thickens.
Ah, the start of the second week. Where things get more, um . . . interesting. If Week One was all about character creation, Week Two is about finding something to do with all the people milling around in your book. Yes, we’re talking plot here, a word that sends a lot of writers needlessly running in fear. Just keep prodding your characters and a plot will set itself in motion this week. Know, though, that the decisions of Week Two will make this the most exhausting of all four weeks.
Also, know that the more you write, the more inspired you are going to feel. If you’re feeling a little pokey now, it’s because you’re not writing enough. Push yourself to write every day, and make a point of adding something to your word count any time you’re within striking distance of a keyboard.
Day 9:
No Frogs In This Pond
Today, we take Zsa Zsa Gabor as our literary role model. Her enthusiasm for marriage was so great that she did it nine times. What do Zsa Zsa’s many nuptials have to do with your novel?
Toda, as a number of possible plot directions start offering themselves to you, you may decide to wait coyly for The One to appear. Don’t.
In the world of the monthlong novel, there are no frogs, only princes (or princesses). Take inspiration from the Hungarian actress, and hitch yourself to any likely suitor. You’ll have a great time with any of them, and you can always grab a different one on the next go-round.
Day 10:
Complain, Curse, Crumple.
A friend of mine, who is an EMT, says that people at restaurants choke more often than you’d imagine. According to him, the real danger isn’t the chocking, it’s the bathroom. Because the moment people get a chicken wing lodges in their throats, they do a curious thing: They use the last of their oxygen to politely remove themselves to the bathroom, far away from anyone who might be able to help Heimlich it out.
If at any point you start having difficulty with your novel, the worst thing you can do is suffer silently. Complain in detail to your support team and anyone who will listen.
Curse your characters and their mothers. Crumple up this card and hurl it in the trush. Let the frustration out. You’ll be surprised at how much clearer your writing vision is after a good venting.
Okay this one here is where I’ve been for most of this novel. LOL. Although I am staying within the required word count, so that is a positive. How about you have you hurled anything to let off a little steam yet?
On another note, the writing sprints are starting to pick up and my word count is increasing each time. Gotta love those word sprints.
Happy Writing
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
NaNo, Not Going Anywhere Fast
Over on the 50/30 blog I posted a one of my No Plot? No Problem! Novel Writing Kit cards. Diane suggested I share more cards with everyone so I thought I'd post them here, well the first four days anyway. So here goes. Yes I Know I'm a week late. LOL.
Day 1:
Green Lights, From Here to the Horizon.
The first day. A blank page. And a slight panic about starting the book off on the right foot. But you know what? There are no wrong feet. Take a tip from freewheeling graphic design guru Bruce Mau on the subject of beginnings:
"Not knowing where to begin is a common form of paralysis. Begin anywhere."
Day 2:
Create Your Clay.
Writing a novel is like working with clay. You first create a rough shape, then massage that shape into something beautiful, such as an ashtray or a fearsome army of worms. Unlike potters, though, who can simply buy clay at the art supply store, novelists have to pull off the supernatural feat of creating their clay with their minds. It’s amazing accomplishment, really, and it’s also why postponing judgment of your work until the end of your first draft is so important. What you started producing yesterday is noveling clay – valuable, essential, and invariably lumpy. Its beauty will grow as you work it.
Day 3:
Aim Low.
One of my favorite books is called Rules of Thumb 2. The volume offers thousands of guidelines for any number of essential day-to-day activities, such as properly estimating a submerged crocodile's length and surviving a pistol duel. The dueling hint was submitted by historian Jim Barber, who writes: "When dueling with firearms, always aim lower than your opponent's vital area - to pierce the heart, aim at the knees." This is something you'd do well to keep in mind in these early days of Week One.
Abandon the stultifying notion of brilliance and aim instead for the low mark of completion. It'll take the pressure off you, which will allow your writing to become looser and more ambitious, paradoxically raising the quality of your book. It's Barber's law: Aiming low is the best way to succeed.
Day 4:
Let Your Fingers Do The Naming.
Demographers have been noting the decreasing size of families in industrialized nations for decades. They pin it on everything from rising education rates among women to the decrease in family farming. But I know the real culprit: With a skyrocketing number of baby names to pick from, would-be parents avoid having children because they can't decide what to name the things.
As you birth your cast of characters this week, you can reduce your naming stress by simply borrowing monikers from the Great Library of Character Names. It's published annually your by phone company: look for the large white book on your shelf next to the Yellow Pages.
Day 5:
Borrow Mercilessly.
One of the best ways to learn to do something is to emulate those whose work you admire.
The treat (and task) for today is to drop by the bookstore and pick up a novel by an author whose voice you've always loved. Read the first few pages of your purchase before you start writing, and pick out the methods the writer uses to create the mood you find so appealing.
Is it the folksy vocabulary and informal writing style? The electric buzz of clipped, declarative sentence? Or the poetic, lyrical style of flowing sentences and sensual adjectives? Whatever it is, borrow the elements you love and use them throughout today's writing season.
Day 6:
Go Wild.
Weird fact: Before Jerry Springer launched his brawling freak show on daytime TV, he was a serious progressive politician and highly respected mayor of Cincinnati. In his heyday, many Ohioans even saw him as a likely candidate for the U.S. presidency. As you begin worrying that you might be pushing the bounds of believability for some characters, remember Jerry and the countless other real-life stories you've heard that make the wildest fiction pale by comparison.
Don't be afraid to leverage the power of unlikely coincidence and unbelievable occurrence. Nothing could be more true to life.
Day 7:
Skeletons In The Closet.
So many of the things we take as a given in everyday life were actually the result of a bitter struggle between two opposing forces. Take, for example, the custom of saying "Hello?" when answering the phone. It seems like a natural extension of a face-to-face conversation, right?
If telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell had had his way, though, we'd be saying "Ahoy, ahoy" when our cell phone rings. He thought that the nautical salutation was more fitting, and he was disgruntled that the plainer "hello" suggested by inventor Thomas Alva Edison caught on instead.
Today, use part of your writing session to explore a given about protagonist's life or personality, and reveal one of the surprising struggles that brought him or her to their current state.
Okay that is week ones handy hits. Did you get anything out of them? I'll try to get the first part of week two up tomorrow and then add a hit each day after that. Right now I need to do some writing on my novel.
Happy writing.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Terrific Tuesday

I’ve also had a spring clean of sorts. I made the decision to delete one of my pseudonyms, I mean, really did I need two erotic romance pen names? The short answer is NO! I’ve delete most of my profile network sites as well. I wasn’t going anywhere near them and if I did, I felt I was spending too much time away from my writing. Speaking of writing, my hubby is back at work today (we just had a long weekend) & my grandson is having the day with SIL, I have peace and quiet, what better time to write.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Yes I'm Still Kicking

Friday, August 29, 2008
Clayton's Conference and Other Things

We had a ‘Novella Workshops’ by Shiloh Walker, ‘Ask the Author Anything’ with the talented Allison Rushby very interesting. It was wonderful of Allison to take time away from her family to chat with us. RC did a workshop on ‘Sensory Overload’, that had us all thinking and was a great lead into Sunday evening. Laney Cairo’s “Mechanical Sex’ was fantastic; we had a great time over all.
I’d like to take the time to thank all our sponsors for donation of their time and prizes, without these people the weekend would not have been such a great success. I hope you’ll go and visit their sites (just click on their names) and learn a little about these talented women. Allison Rushby, multi-published author of Adult and Young Adult. Anna Campbell , author of dark, sexy regency historical romance. Anne Whitfield, multi-published author of historical and contemporary romance. Annie West, Annie writes, Presents and Modern romance. Elisabeth Rose, has her second novel with Avalon due for release in October. Janet Woods, Janet’s 22nd novel will be published in 2009. Laney Cairo, is a multi-published author of erotic romance. N.J. Walters, has over 30 novels published in romance and erotic romance. Rhian Cahill, now this is an author’s name to remember, Rhian writes erotic romance and it is only a matter of time before she hits it big. Shiloh Walker, Shiloh is a multi-published author with Berkley, Ellora's Cave and Samhain Publishing.
I have some great news from the Melbourne conference. Diane Curran got a request for a partial how cool is that? Go over to Diane’s blog and have a look. There were a few girls that got ‘The Call’ or request for partial’s or full manuscripts. Congratulations to all.
My writing is coming along slowly at the moment. Had four more ideas jump into my head the other day. I’ve jotted them down and I’m trying very hard to stop them from moving into the ‘Head City Motel’ I really need to empty some rooms up there.
I also did a couple of on line workshops, they were fun. One was about time management. Let’s face it; I need to get into a route. The fact that I haven’t posted here for so long is a sure sign of that let alone my other blogs. As for Facebook, well lord only knows how many applications I’ll have over there. But now I have my trusty time manage techniques and I’ll be able to do all the things I need to do and a well organised manner. (She’s says crossing her fingers). I have a new challenge coming up soon. ‘From Start to Published’ yep, this is a big one. Twelve months, twelve months to write edit and submit a novel. Okay I have a few I’m working on now to get ready to submit and enter a few contests. But the one for FSTP is my historical novel. The research that I’ve been doing, oh and the cool sites I’ve been playing at, I’ve had a blast. Come November 1, I’ll be ready to rock and roll with my novel, I hope.
Alright I need to go and get some housework done so I can get back into my writing. I have contests to enter, query letters to send off and manuscripts to research, start, finish or edit. The life or a writer is never done. When one motel door closes another opens.
Friday, July 25, 2008
I've Been Busy, Honest

It’s a jointly owned group between Rhian Cahill, Diane Curran, Rachel Charlton, Mari Carr and me. We are just in our early stages at the moment. RC is flat out in edit mode and you already know what I’ve been up to. Diane is off at Byron Bay this weekend; she has just finished her novel she was working on during the 50/30. Mari has a few excerpts of her writing up on the site, if you’re interested in having a read.

Okay I need to go if I am going to get some writing done. I’ll catch up with you all later. I really need to do an interview with a couple of my heroes and post on my Hero Blog, or find some more yummy pictures. LOL. May be I’ll do both. So I couldn't wait, he is yummy, isn't he.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Hit A Brick Wall

Monday, June 30, 2008

RC, you know Rachel C/Rhian is hoping to reach 100k. I’ve decided to call her Queen of the Bionic Fingers. She has had an amazing month. The last couple of days we have seen a lot of the girls make the sprint home, a few had not been sure at the start of the month if they would make it to the 50k, but true to the Aussie sprite they continued on. Other just had the whole universe fighting against them and no matter what they did event from the real world just would not leave them alone. Yet they continued, continued writing determined to at least work towards a personal best.
So what was my final total? Well that would be 75,080. I now have three novels of 50k to edit as well as two of 15k. So July is looking at being another busy month, I’m thinking this editing may roll over into August which is fine, as long as at the end I have something that will be worthwhile submitting.
Well that’s me for another challenge. I have a few BIAW coming up, but other than that life may be a little slower. WOOHOO won’t that be nice.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I've Been Slack Again

Monday, June 16, 2008
I Reached My Target, But Not My Goal

I’m hoping to be able to see my chiropractor tomorrow. I pulled something in my back or shoulder the other day when I was doing some housework, dangerous occupation housework. Anyway if I sit for too long typing it gives me curry. So on that note, I’m going to say goodnight. Yes it’s night time here in the wonderful land of Oz. Happy writing.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Two Weeks Down, Two To Go

Tomorrow I’m off to the movies with my grandson to see ‘Speed Racer’, the horse show we were supposed to go to has been cancelled due to the forecast of rain. So it is movies in the morning for me, then writing in the afternoon. Hopefully I’ll be able to get the last 5,896 words done to finish this story so I can get to work on the next one.
The next story is my erotic romance. I’m at 30,248 words for it so only have another 19,752 to go. If I can get this one finished this month as well that will give me four full MS’s to edit in July. Of course if I get my finger out and finish this one in the week, I still have another eight I can work on. This will be good practice for me and November with NaNoWriMo, I plan to write an Historical romance, they are normally 70,000 to 100,000+ words, if I can write at this speed in November I just may get my Historical finished or very close to finished.
I’ve been giving some thought to some of my current WIP’s and I may change a couple to novellas. I’ll see how I go, last time I tried writing a novella it turned into a novel. So maybe if I try for a novel it may turn into a novella. Yes I know its Irish but I know what I mean.
Anyway I’m off to bed. I happy I got to do at least a little writing tonight. I have to be up early in the morning ready for my movie adventure and if I’m very lucky I may even get an hour’s writing in before I go. I girl can only hope.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Week one of '50 ks In 30 Days'

Anyway I’m taking a couple of days off and will start back with my writing on Sunday. I think it would be a good idea to take sometime to get the sexy eyes of Mackiney Stafford out of my head.
Well I’m off to watch ‘Pride and Prejudice’ with Colin Firth of course and have an other cup of coffee, which I think I’m becoming slightly addicted too. Until next time.
Friday, May 30, 2008
The Countdown is ON
Now the other count down is the '50ks In 30 Days' challenge which starts on Sunday. It seems like we have been getting ready for this for so long it's hard to believe it is almost here. Now the doubt's are starting to set in, 'Can I do this?" "Have I got 50,000 words in me?" "What if I fail?" then I get this screaming in my head, it's like a platoon of soldiers yelling at me.
Jezz talk about bossy characters. So all I can say is they had better deliver or there will be WAR! I'll kill the whole lot of them off and get some nice old people to write about. May not be as interesting but at least I'll be able to keep up with them.
So as I race out of one challenge and stroll into yet another challenge, I'm excited, scared, numb, stupid, crazy, out of my head, a nervous wreak, but come Sunday I'll be ready. Wish me luck because I'll need it.
Monday, May 26, 2008
When Life Steps In & Computers Crash
I also had the great idea of changing my web site header. I wanted something fresh, something new, something that would take me to my happy place when I write. Great plan, even a fantastic plan… until I crashed my site and lost everything. So I had to start again. Nothing like a new start, a fresh start and a lesson learnt. (I hope, never really know with me what I’ll do next.) So if you get a chance have a look at my new website, the header is the same as the one. Here’s the link http://www.sandiehudson.com .
So I’m not sure how much writing I’ll get done this week but I’m hoping to get at least an hour a day in, it all helps toward get that novel finished. Until next time, my the Word Fairy smile on you.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Getting People Out Of My Head
So, you may be wondering what all this has to do with people in my head. The thing is I decided months ago that I would write under a pseudonym for my erotic novels. Well if I decided to submit them for publication. Now as most of you know I have a thing for blogs, websites etc, as Sandie Hudson. What you don’t know is that I also have a website, blog and MySpace for my alter egos. I say alter egos because I have three. (Yes I know I am a sad woman who doesn’t know who she is anymore.)
So let me introduce you to my other halves. Sandie Roberts is who I will write under for my children’s books. I chose Roberts because my Dad and Father-In-Law were both Robert. Now I haven’t done a lot with these sites yet so I won’t give you the links yet.
Sandra Carrington was my first chose for writing erotic romance but I’m thinking she may have a far raunchier side than I first thought. I’ll see how I go. Anyway here are her sites. Website, MySpace, Blog. How I came up with her name is I used my own first name and then the town I grow up in.
Cassandra Cornell well she came about because there was already a Cassandra Carrington. See I was going to change Sandra to Cassandra, but it didn’t work. I chose Cornell because that was my Dad’s mother’s maiden name. And she’d get a kick out of me writing erotic novels I think. Anyway Cassandra's sites are here; website, blog, MySpace. So if you feel like visiting go ahead.
Do you think I could have split personality syndrome? Or maybe I just haven’t found the real me. Anyway that is at least two people out of my head and these two have the good sense to only work on one novel at a time. Or is that just me still working on the novels?
Oh and by the way Diane Curran has come out of the closet so to speak, (with her writing I mean) she has a new blog spot so visit her here Diane Curran.
Okay now that I have completely scared the living day lights out of you all, and you will be giving me a very wide berth from now on, I’ll catch ya later.
Monday, May 12, 2008
What's It All About?

Brooke Fairfax is the rebellious member of her family. It is a title she has carried for so long with pride she no longer knows how not to rebel against everything her father stands for. Now out on her own and earning a living from her art work, she resents even more her father’s interference in her life.
Being summon home after an altercation she found herself in doesn’t help matters. But after seeing the new mechanic working for old Fred she decides a little fun is just what she needs. Besides what better way to get her father back, then to start a torrid affair with the hired help, so to speak.

One thing was for sure, the last thing he needed in his life was a woman. He’d had more than enough of lying cheating women. He sure didn’t need Brooke Fairfax sashaying her cute little butt around the place. She had trouble written all over her, and if he wasn’t careful he would have that trouble all over him.
I'm going to do an interview with Mac over the next couple of days, and I'll post that on my hero blog. By the way have you been over to have a look at my photo slid some very nice chests on display over there. Even if I do say so myself.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Suzanne Has A Trailer
The lucky girl is off on her own paradise romance in the next couple of days. Well she's off to marry her own hero, ahh how sweet is that?
Have a great weekend everyone.
Devon Has A Cover
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Challenge Update

Okay I now have a question. How in the hell do I stop these new people from jumping into my head? I mean I have 24 couples living up there each with their own little entourage. I shudder to think now of just how many there are running around up there. It’s no wonder I’ve been getting migraines. So if you have any ideas let me know. I was thinking of putting a sign on the door. ‘Sorry closed due to overcrowding.’ What do you think? Do you think they’ll take any notice? Sigh! I really think I am starting to lose it, but don’t tell anyone I said that.
Alright I’m off to do some writing. Half the day is gone already, and as my wonderful father-in-law use to say “If you wait too long the sun will burn your arse.”
Thursday, May 1, 2008
A New Blog
So if you would like to visit with my men, here's the link: Heroes Blog
I also started my Cata University challenge today. Reached my word count no trouble. (Thank heavens). I've blogged about it over at my Challenge Blog . So I've had a busy couple of days. Now I really need to get some housework done, before I start anything else to do with my writing. Catch ya later.
Monday, April 28, 2008
More Good News
The Wild Rose Press.
Well now she has a cover. WOOHOOO for Suz. So drop over to her Website and have a look at her book cover, Suzanne Brandyn Romance Writer .
The good news just keeps coming. Have you got any good news you would like to share? I'm more than happy to hear about it.
If I were A Rich Man
He also works with cars, so his hands are well oiled. LOL. Nothing like a a pair of well oiled hands.
He’s leaning against the door to the work shed when a snazzy black sports car goes flying by, I thinking this might be a small town. He is also wiping his hand on an old rag, heavens even that is giving me goose bumps.
This is sooo not going to be a sweet novel. This guy has too much . . . to much . . . yeah I know I’m repeating myself here. No he is not going to want to keep any bedroom doors closed. Heck, he might be lucky to even get in the door first.
Okay I’ve got to stop. My fingers are itching to start to write this thing and I want to put some time in on a couple of my other WIP before this thing starts. That’s it I’m going to bed, can’t spend all my time with this guy. I need some sleep, only had 3 hours last night.
Bye for now.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I don’t know much more so drop over to Devon’s blog and say “Hi” and congratulate her because she sooooooooo deserves it.
YYYAAAYYY DEVON. Oops that is ‘AUTHOR DEVON GRAY’. How cool is that?
P.S. Just click on any of Devon's names and you'll be linked to her site. But just in case;
Friday, April 25, 2008
Rainy Friday
I've checked emails, read blogs, post on read blogs and just vegged out. Next week I will be getting the whip out to myself (no I'm not being kinky) and get some work done. I'll have three days to get house in order, cook some extra meals for hubby (have plenty of soup for myself) and decide what I'm going to write about during May.
Yes I've signed up for another challenge. It is all that Nicola Marsh's fault, went over there just to see what she has been up to lately, and she has this challenge she is co-hosting. Jeez, I have no will power, the challenge write a Novella of 25,000 words in 31 days. My superior thinking kicks in with, good way to prepare for June. Or as I said to Diane it's like waving a red flag to a bull. I see the words challenge and off I go charging in ready to sign up. Never mind, I still love Nicola she's great, always got something to say, has heaps of helpful hints here and there through out her blog. So anyway if you're interested the challenge is with Cata University from May 1st to 31st.
Okay hubby is hoping for at least 30 minutes of fine weather so he can ride a horse he is breaking-in, had to have yesterday off because it rained non-stop. So I had better go keep an eye on him. Just hope the horse isn't scared of my new welly boots, hehehe. Black with hot pink, white and purple dots, sooooooo cool.
Catch ya later.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Haunted By The Past
In her sisters bed is none other then her expected bridegroom asleep with her sister wrapped in his arms. My thought was, crap had that vision before. Yes this is one of the stories I' tossed out all those years ago. I guess they feel they have a right to have their stories told as well as the rest of my characters. Yep, even the one about the widow and her boss is filtering through. All I can do is jot down the little bits I'm getting here and there and hope for the best.
So now I have no idea what I am going to do for '50ks In 30 Days' other then adding to my already over flowing collection of WIP. I'm not game to think about starting something new. I don't have the space for any more people in my 'Head City'. I'm having a population explosion. Does anyone know how to switch it off? Is there a switch somewhere I need to flick? It's Frantic Friday today, all I know for sure is that it is Friday and I'm frantic. Frantic for some peace.
Our '50ks In 30 Days' challenge is growing so we should have a great month. We have a few more people doing the nightly word sprints with us, although I had to pass on last night as I was just too wiped out from family commitments yesterday. But tonight I will be ready to take the world on, (well I'm telling myself that). By the time tonight comes around I just may have myself believing it as well.
WRW-BIAW is on again next week so that should be a very good fore-runner for June. Hubby is still home next week and he'll be hopping on the young horse he is breaking-in so I'll have to sit outside to keep an eye on him. At least I have my trusty lappy I can write and watch him at the same time.
Okay that is my rant for the moment, I off to do some washing. Catch ya later.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Been Missing In Action
The site is: http://writeinjune.blogspot.com drop by and have a look. We are working on it all the time adding things here and there. We are also going to have a few people post blogs that have done NaNo a few years to give any new challengers an idea on what to expect with writing for a month flat-out. I've also asked one of the girls that did NaNo last year and had began the month not sure she would ever get to write a full novel. In the end had written her 50,000 words and was quiet pleased with herself. Which she had every right to be.
I've also been doing some great word sprint with Diane and Rachel C. A great way to spend your evenings. Sets of 15 to 30 minutes writing sprints. You would be surprised just how much writing you can get done like that.
Oh and one more thing, Devon Gray a very special friend I've made since I've started blogging got a full MS request. How cool is that? Rachel C and I will be singing from the roof tops when her release date is announced. So stay turned. In the mean time drop by Devon's blog and say 'hi' as well as congratulate her. http://authordevongray.blogspot.com
Okay, I have some sprinting to do with Diane. So catch you later.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Putting Your Foot In It
What did I learn from this great mess up? Never, never, write a scene where your hero and heroine are having a disagreement about, who is or is not in the wrong and whose fault it is. Because it is very easy to mess up what you should be writing and to whom.
So what else have I been up too. I have three new stories in the pipeline. Heavens, this is getting way out of control. I have so many people running around in my head it is getting quiet crowded up there. It's like they are having one great bit party going on, (Yes I know there is a lot of area for them to play) they do get pretty noisy up there. So I've been busy writing, messing up email site with a couple of friends. Although in our defence we were doing writing sprints, got some really good word counts done. It is amazing how much you can get done in half an hour.
Well I better get back to my writing, have a hunky hero calling.
Catch ya later.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
How, When and Why I Started Writing
Why I started writing. I have no idea, because I hated English with a passion. I started reading Time Romance mag's in my teens and loved the stories. Then I read an article I think it was by Barbara Taylor Bradford about her writing romance novels and thought I could do that, yeah right. I’d also been reading Mills & Boons novels on and off for a while, one of Margaret Way’s was the first M&B I’d read. I loved reading about the Australian outback; Lindsay Armstrong was another I read a lot of at the time. I still have to pick up one of Margaret’s novels if I see a new one available.
When I started well that’s the long part. After reading the article by Barbara, I started my first story. It was about a girl who finds her fiancé in bed with her sister on their wedding day. Very dramatic. Back then in my early days of writing having a computer was a luxury, and not one that we could afford. (Heavens I think my age is showing now.) So I wrote long hand, had my exercise book and trusty pen and would spend hours writing. When I think about it, I wrote much the same way as I do today in that I had three stories going at once. One of my other stories was about a girl who after receiving her first modelling job arrives home to find her long lost father standing in her kitchen talking to her mother; he has also brought his step-son with him. (I might have to revisit that one.) Of course I don’t have said exercise books any more, it a fit one day when I was sure I’d never write again I throw them out. Bad move, very bad move. Anyway that’s getting a head of myself. The third story was about a woman who along with her husband and children moves to the outback to work on one of the large cattle stations. The husband dies in a plane crush (very sad), and cattle station owner steps in to help her through her grieving process, he had lost his wife a few years before hand. So you can see what was going to happen here. Really wish I hadn’t thrown those books out.
Anyway, we moved over to the farm and between getting said farm sorted out, children and school, working, in-laws separating, parents illness and so on, my writing got pushed to one side. Well really it got thrown in the bin. I started tracing my family history and thought it would be great if I could write about my ancestors and their battles to survive in a new colony. I think that was when it all started to happen. I’d allowed myself to dream of writing again even though I did put it off for a few more years.
About four years ago I started getting these mutterings in my head; have to say at first I thought I was going bonkers. I started writing down what they were saying; it was just bits and pieces of things nothing that I could put my finger on and say, “oh now I know what to do”. If that makes any sense at all. Then about two year ago it all come through like a title wave. It was like I opened the gates to a dam and in came all this information. I joined the Romance Writer’s of Australia six months later and as they say the rest is history.
You wouldn’t believe it, I’m going to do a Book in a Month in June with some of my RWAustralia friends, now I was going to finish a couple of my MS’s I have going ATM. But nooooo last night while watching T.V. I had this couple come and visit, seems they have a story to tell. Quiet a nice couple been best friends for years. Had me writing a five page sketch on them. A bit rude pushing in like that, but what can I do? They’ve blocked my other couples until I’m finished with their sketch, so I’ll go with the flow and let them have their time or until the other’s get feed up with waiting and push their way back to front and centre. So what about you? How did you start your writing journey?
Now you can see why I didn’t leave this on Rachael’s site. I ramble too much, anyway my son is here for a visit so I had better go and spend some time with him, I don’t get to see him anywhere near as much as I’d like too.
Bye for now.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Borders ~ I've Been Bad AGAIN