Sunday, August 31, 2014


From Mrs Beeton's Household Management

Boar's Head,
                          garnished with Aspic Jelly.
  Lobster Salad Lobster Salad.
  Fruited Jelly. Mayonnaise of Fowl. Charlotte Russe.
Small Ham, garnished.
Small Pastry. Iced Savoy Cake. Biscuits.
Vanilla Cream EPERGNE, WITH FRUIT. Fruited Jelly.
Two Roast Fowls, cut up. Two Roast Fowls, cut up.
Prawns Two Boiled Fowls, with Béchamel Prawns
           Biscuits Small Pastry
                             Tongue, ornamented.
Custards, TRIFLE, ORNAMENTED. Custards,
          in glasses. in glasses.
                            Raised Chicken Pie.
Tipsy Cake
  Lobster Salad. Lobster Salad.
  Fruited Jelly. Swiss Cream.
                              Roast Pheasant.
Meringues. EPERGNE, WITH FRUIT. Meringues.
Raspberry Cream. Galantine of Veal. Fruited Jelly.
Tipsy Cake.
          Small Pastry. Biscuits.
                               Raised Game Pie.
Custards, TRIFLE, ORNAMENTED Custards,
          in glasses. in glasses.
Two Roast Fowls, cut up. Two Roast Fowls, cut up.
                             Tongue, ornamented.
          Prawns. Prawns.
                     Two Boiled Fowls, with Béchamel
         Biscuits. Small Pastry.
                              EPERGNE, WITH FRUIT.
  Lobster Salad. Lobster Salad.
        Fruited Jelly. Iced Savoy Cake. Blancmange.
Small Ham, garnished.
Mayonnaise of Fowl.
        Charlotte Russe. Fruited Jelly.
                                Larded Capon.
Note: When soup is served from the buffet, Mock Turtle and Julienne may be selected. Besides the articles enumerated above, Ices, Wafers, Biscuits, Tea, Coffee, Wines and Liqueurs will be required. Punch a la Romaine may also be added to the list of beverages.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Stitches on Saturday ~ EMBROIDERY PATTERNS - Part Two

From Mrs Beeton’s Book of Needlework

133.--Cravat End in Embroidery.

Materials: Muslin, cambric, or linen; Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s embroidery cotton No. 24, or fine black China silk.

This graceful design is worked in raised satin stitch (see Nos. 76 and 77, Embroidery Instructions) and back stitching, or point Russe. Black silk may be introduced at will, and the delicate leaves may be stitched in fine black silk, and the flowers embroidered in white, with the stamens in black silk.

134.--Basket Embroidered in Chenille.

Materials: A basket of fine wicker-work; 1 skein of black chenille, and 3 of blue chenille.

This small round basket measures seven inches across; it has a cover and two handles. The wicker is very delicately plaited, and is ornamented with a pattern in chenille which is very easy to work. Upon the cover, work in point Russe one large star in blue chenille, with the centre and outer circle in black. All round, work small stars in blue chenille, with a black stitch in the centre. The position of these stars is shown in our illustration. The basket requires no mounting; it is not even lined.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday's Fashion ~ Ackermann 1810 Fashion Plates - Part 1

Ackermann's Fashion Plates 1810

Promenade Dress - Fashion Plate 4

Ball Dress - Fashion Plate 4

Walking Dress - Fashion Plate 11

Morning Dress - Fashion Plate 12

Full Dress - Fashion Plate 17

Walking Dress - Fashion Plate 18

Morning Dress - Fashion Plate 23

Evening Promenade Dress - Fashion Plate 24

Half Dress - Fashion Plate 29

Walking & Morning Dress - Fashion Plate 30

Morning Walking Dress - Fashion Plate 35

Evening Mourning Dress - Fashion Plate 36

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Things Worth Knowing ~ Occupations - Part 12

W List of Occupations

This is a list of some occupations of which many are archaic although surnames usually originated from someone's occupation.

◦WABSTER - weaver

◦WADSETTER - under Scottish law a creditor to whom a wadset is made; a wadset is a right, by which lands, or other heritable subjects, are impignorated by the proprietor to his creditor in security of his debt

◦WAGONER - wagon or cart driver

◦WAILER - one employed in the mines to remove the impurities from the coal

◦WAINWRIGHT - builder or repairer of wagons

◦WAIT / WAKEMAN - night watchman

◦WALKER / WAULKMILLER - cloth worker

◦WALLER - one who built walls either brick or dry stone, also a person who worked making coarse salt

◦WANTER / WANTCATCHER - mole catcher

◦WARDER -in charge of prisoners

◦WAREHOUSEMAN - in charge of or employee in a warehouse

◦WARPER - set the warp thread on the looms or employed to move boats by hauling on the warps (the ropes attached to the boats)

◦WARRENER - in charge of a portion of land used for breeding rabbits and other small game

◦WASHMAN - tin coater

◦WASTEMAN - checked the old workings for gas and maintaining them in the mines or employed to remove waste

◦WATCH FINISHER - assembled watches and clocks

◦WATCHMAN - town official who guarded the streets at night

◦WATER BAILIFF - official in charge of the fishing rights on a stretch of water

◦WATER CARRIER - carted and sold fresh water

◦WATER GILDER - trapped water fowl

◦WATER LEADER / LEDER / LODER - transported and sold fresh drinking water

◦WATERMAN - worked with or on boats usually on rivers

◦WATTLE HURDLE MAKER - made a type of fence from wattle to keep the sheep in

◦WAY-MAKER - employed to make roads

◦WAY MAN - surveyor of roads

◦WEATHERSPY - astrologer

◦WEBSTER / WEBBER - weaver (originally a female weaver)

◦WEIGHER - worked on the docks to weigh the cargo as it was unloaded

◦WELLMASTER - one in charge of the local well with the responsibility of ensuring clean water for the village

◦WELL SINKER - dug wells

◦WELL WRIGHT - made the winding equipment used to raise the bucket in the well

◦WET GLOVER - made leather gloves

◦WET NURSE - woman employed to suckle tthe child of another (common practice with the rich)

◦WETTER - dampened paper during the printing process or in the glass industry who detached the glass by wetting

◦WHARFINGER - owner of a wharf

◦WHEEL TAPPER - railway worker who checked for cracked wheels by striking them with a long handled hammer and listening for a clear ring

◦WHEELER - wheel maker, attended to the spinning wheel in the textile industry and one who led the pit ponies that pulled the tubs underground in the mines

◦WHACKER - horse or oxen team driver

◦WHEELWRIGHT / WRIGHT - maker or repairer of wagon wheels

◦WHEERYMAN - in charge of a wheery (a small light rowing boat)

◦WHIG - horse driver (Scottish term)


◦WHIPPERIN - managed the hounds in a hunt

◦WHITEAR - hide cleaner

◦WHITE LIMER - plastered walls using lime and water plaster

◦WHITE SMITH - tin smith

◦WHITENING ROLL MAKER - made the whitening used in whitening walls of cottages

◦WHITTAWER - one who made saddles and harness

◦WHITENER / WHITESTER / WHITSTER - one who bleached cloth

◦WHITEWING - streetsweeper

◦WHITSTER - bleacher of cloth

◦WHITTAWER - preparer of white leather

◦WILLOW PLAITER / WEAVER - one who made baskets etc

◦WINDSTER - silk winder

◦WOODBREAKER - one who made wooden water casks

◦WOODRANGER / WOOD REEVE / WOODWARD - in charge of the forest or woods

◦WOOLCOMBER - operated machines that separate the fibres ready for spinning in woolen industry

◦WOOL DRIVER - one who brought the wool to market

◦WOOL FACTOR - wool merchants agent

◦WOOLEN BILLY PIECER - worked in the woolen mills to piece together the broken yarns

◦WOOL MAN /WOOL SORTER / STAPLER - one who sorted the wool into different grades

◦WOOLSTED MAN - a seller of woollen cloth (from worsted man)

◦WOOL WINDER - one who made up balls of wool for selling

◦WORSTED MANUFACTURER / SHEARMAN - one who made worsted

◦WRIGHT - builder or repairer

◦WYRTH - laborer

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Words on Wednesday ~ GLOSSARY OF THE BACK SLANG.

The Slang Dictionary Etymological, Historical and Andecdotal by John Camden Hotten 1913

Birk - a “crib,”—a house.

Cool - to look.

Cool him - look at him. A phrase frequently used when one costermonger warns another of the approach of a policeman, or when any person worthy of notice passes by. When any old lady has been bargaining with a costermonger, and leaves his barrow without purchasing, the proprietor of the barrow will call out to the rest, “COOL the delo nammow,” which, though it means literally nothing beyond “Look at the old woman,” conveys to them an intimation that she is, from their point of view, a nuisance, and should be treated as such.

Dab - bad.

Dab tros - a bad sort.

Dabheno - a bad one, sometimes a bad market. See DOOGHENO.

Da-erb - bread.

Deb or DAB - a bed; “I’m off to the DEB,” I’m going to bed.

Delo nammow - an old woman.

Delog - gold.

Doog - good.

Doogheno - literally “good-one,” but implying generally a good market, a good man, &c.

Doogheno hit - one good hit. A coster remarks to a mate, “Jack made a DOOGHENO HIT this morning,” implying that he did well at market, or sold out with good profit. Actually a good hit only is intended, but redundancy has its charms in the back slang as well as in more pretentious literary efforts.

Dunop - a pound.

Edgabac - cabbage.

Edgenaro - an orange.

E-fink - a knife.

Ekame - a “make,” or swindle.

Ekom - a “moke,” or donkey.

Elrig - a girl.

Emag, game - “I know your little EMAG.”

Enif - fine.

Enin gen, nine shillings.

Enin yanneps - ninepence.

Eno - one.

Erif - fire.

Erth - three.

Erth gen - three shillings.

Erth-pu - three-up, a street game, played with three halfpence.

Erth sith-noms - three months,—a term of imprisonment unfortunately very familiar to the lower orders. Generally known as a “drag.”

Erth yanneps - threepence.

Esclop - police, now used to signify a constable only. Esclop is pronounced “slop” simply, but the c was never sounded. A policeman is now and then called, by some purist or stickler for etiquette, an “esclopnam.”

Es-roch - a horse.

Esuch - a house.

Evif-gen - a crown, or five shillings.

Evif-yanneps - fivepence.

Evlenet-gen - twelve shillings.

Evlenet sith-noms - twelve months. Generally known as a “stretch.”

Exis-evif-gen - six times five shillings, i.e., 30s. All moneys may be reckoned in this manner, either with YANNEPS or GENS. It is, however, rarely or never done.

Exis-evif-yanneps - elevenpence,—literally, “sixpence and fivepence = elevenpence.” This mode of reckoning, distinct from the preceding, is only made by special arrangement amongst slangites, who wish to confound their intimates.

Exis gen - six shillings.

Exis sith-noms - six months.

Exis yanneps - sixpence.

Fi-heath - a thief.

Flatch - half, or a halfpenny.

Flatch kennurd - half drunk.

Flatch-yenork - half-a-crown. See preceding remarks.

Flatchyannep - a halfpenny.

Gen - twelvepence, or one shilling. Formerly imagined to be an abbreviation of argent, cant term for silver.

Generalize - a shilling, almost invariably shortened to GEN.

Genitraf - a farthing.

Gen-net - or NET GEN, ten shillings.

Genol - long.

Hel-bat - a table. } The aspirate is matter of taste.
Helpa - an apple.

Kanitseeno - a stinking one. Kanits is a stink.

Kennurd - drunk.

Kew (or more properly KEEU) - a week.

Kews - SKEW, or SKEEU, weeks.

Kirb - a brick.

Kool - to look.

Lawt - tall.

Ler-ac-am - mackerel.

Mottob - bottom.

Mur - rum. A “nettock o’ MUR” is a quartern of rum.

Nair - rain.

Nam - a man.

Nam esclop - a policeman. See ESCLOP.

Nammow - a woman; DELO NAMMOW, an old woman.

Neel - lean.

Neergs - greens.

Net enin gen - nineteen shillings.

Net evif gen - fifteen shillings.

Net exis gen - sixteen shillings.

Net gen - ten shillings, or half a sovereign.

Net nevis gen - seventeen shillings.

Net rith gen - thirteen shillings.

Net roaf gen - fourteen shillings. It will be seen by the foregoing that the reckoning is more by tens than by “teens.” This is, however, matter of choice, and any one wishing to be considered accomplished in this description of slang, must do as he thinks best—must lead and not be led.

Net theg gen - eighteen shillings.

Net yanneps - tenpence.

Nevele gen - eleven shillings.

Nevele yanneps - elevenpence.

Nevis gen - seven shillings.

Nevis stretch - seven years’ penal servitude.

Nevis yanneps - sevenpence.

Nig - gin.

Noom - the moon.

Nos-rap - a parson.

Occabot - tobacco; “tib fo OCCABOT,” bit of tobacco.

Ogging ot tekram - going to market.

On - no.

On doog - no good.

Owt gen - two shillings. } Owt is pronounced OAT.
Owt yanneps - twopence.

Pac - a cap.

Pinnurt pots - turnip tops.

Pot - top.

Reeb - beer. “Top o’ REEB,” a pot of beer.

Rev-lis - silver.

Rof-efil - for life—sentence of punishment.

Roaf-gen - four shillings.

Roaf-yanneps - fourpence.

Rutat - or RATTAT, a “tatur,” or potato.

See-otches - shoes.

Sey - yes. Pronounced SEE.

Shif - fish.

Sirretch - cherries. Very often SIRRETCHES.

Sith-nom - a month. This is because the slang was made from months, not month. Perhaps because the latter was not easy; perhaps because terms of imprisonment run longer than a month, and are often enumerated in the “kacab genals.” However it may be, “months” in this mode of speaking has a double plural as it stands now.

Slaoc - coals.

Slop - a policeman. See ESCLOP.

Sneerg - greens.

Spinsrap - parsnips. All these will take the s, which is now initial, after them, if desired, and, as may be seen, some take it doubly.
Sret-sio - oysters.
Sres-wort - trousers.
Starps - sprats.
Stoobs - boots.  
Storrac - carrots.  
Stun - nuts.  
Stunlaw - walnuts.  

Tach - a hat.

Taf - fat. A TAF ENO is a fat man or woman, literally A FAT ONE.

Taoc - a coat. “Cool the DELO TAOC” means, “Look at the old coat,” but is really intended to apply to the wearer as well, as professors of mixed slangs might say, “Vardy his nibs in the snide bucket.”

Taoc-tisaw - a waistcoat.

Teaich-gir - right, otherwise TADGER.

Tenip - a pint.

Theg (or TEAICH) gen - eight shillings.

Theg (or TEAITCH) yanneps - eightpence.

Tib - a bit, or piece.

Tol - lot, stock, or share.

Top-yob - a potboy.

Torrac - a carrot. “Ekat a TORRAC.”

Trork - a quart.

Trosseno, literally - “one sort,” but professional slangists use it to imply anything that is bad. Tross, among costermongers, means anything[357] bad. It is probably a corruption of trash. Possibly, however, the constant use of the words “dab-tros” may have led them in their unthinking way to imagine that the latter word will do by itself.

Wedge - a Jew. This may look strange, but it is exact back slang.

Wor-rab - a barrow.

Yad - a day; YADS, days.

Yadnarb - brandy.

Yannep - a penny.

Yannep a time - a penny each. Costermongers say “a time” for many things. They say a “bob a time,” meaning a shilling each for admission to a theatre, or any other place, or that certain articles are charged a shilling each. The context is the only clue to the exact meaning.

Yannep-flatch - three halfpence,—all the halfpence and pennies continue in the same sequence, as for instance, OWT-YANNEP-FLATCH, twopence-halfpenny.

Yap pu - pay up.

Yeknod, or JERK-NOD - a donkey.

Yenork - a crown.

Yob - a boy.

Zeb - best.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tasty Tuesday ~ Roast Haunch of Venison

From Mrs. Beetons Household Management

Roast Venison

INGREDIENTS.—Venison, coarse flour-and-water paste, a little flour.

Mode.—Choose a haunch with clear, bright, and thick fat, and the cleft of the hoof smooth and close; the greater quantity of fat there is, the better quality will the meat be. As many people object to venison when it has too much haut goût, ascertain how long it has been kept, by running a sharp skewer into the meat close to the bone; when this is withdrawn, its sweetness can be judged of. With care and attention, it will keep good a fortnight, unless the weather is very mild. Keep it perfectly dry by wiping it with clean cloths till not the least damp remains, and sprinkle over powdered ginger or pepper, as a preventative against the fly. When required for use, wash it in warm water, and dry it well with a cloth; butter a sheet of white paper, put it over the fat, lay a coarse paste, about 1/2 inch in thickness, over this, and then a sheet or two of strong paper. Tie the whole firmly on to the haunch with twine, and put the joint down to a strong close fire; baste the venison immediately, to prevent the paper and string from burning, and continue this operation, without intermission, the whole of the time it is cooking. About 20 minutes before it is done, carefully remove the paste and paper, dredge the joint with flour, and baste well with butter until it is nicely frothed, and of a nice pale-brown colour; garnish the knuckle-bone with a frill of white paper, and serve with a good, strong, but unflavoured gravy, in a tureen, and currant jelly; or melt the jelly with a little port wine, and serve that also in a tureen. As the principal object in roasting venison is to preserve the fat, the above is the best mode of doing so where expense is not objected to; but, in ordinary cases, the paste may be dispensed with, and a double paper placed over the roast instead: it will not require so long cooking without the paste. Do not omit to send very hot plates to table, as the venison fat so soon freezes: to be thoroughly enjoyed by epicures, it should be eaten on hot-water plates. The neck and shoulder may be roasted in the same manner.

Time.—A large haunch of buck venison, with the paste, 4 to 5 hours; haunch of doe venison, 3-1/4 to 3-3/4 hours. Allow less time without the paste.

Average cost, 1s. 4d. to 1s. 6d. per lb.

Sufficient for 18 persons.

Seasonable.—Buck venison in greatest perfection from June to Michaelmas; doe venison from November to the end of January.

THE DEER.—This active tribe of animals principally inhabit wild and woody regions. In their contentions, both with each other and the rest of the brute creation, these animals not only use their horns, but strike very furiously with their fore feet. Some of the species are employed as beasts of draught, whilst the flesh of the whole is wholesome, and that of some of the kinds, under the name of "venison," is considered very delicious. Persons fond of hunting have invented peculiar terms by which the objects of their pursuit are characterized: thus the stag is called, the first year, a calf, or hind-calf; the second, a knobber; the third, a brock; the fourth, a staggard; the fifth, a stag; and the sixth, a hart. The female is, the first year, called a calf; the second, a hearse; and the third, a hind. In Britain, the stag has become scarcer than it formerly was; but, in the Highlands of Scotland, herds of four or five hundred may still be seen, ranging over the vast mountains of the north; and some of the stags of a great size. In former times, the great feudal chieftains used to hunt with all the pomp of eastern sovereigns, assembling some thousands of their clans, who drove the deer into the toils, or to such stations as were occupied by their chiefs. As this sport, however, was occasionally used as a means for collecting their vassals together for the purpose of concocting rebellion, an act was passed prohibitory of such assemblages. In the "Waverley" of Sir Walter Scott, a deer-hunting scene of this kind is admirably described.

VENISON.—This is the name given to the flesh of some kinds of deer, and is esteemed as very delicious. Different species of deer are found in warm as well as cold climates, and are in several instances invaluable to man. This is especially the case with the Laplander, whose reindeer constitutes a large proportion of his wealth. There—

      "The reindeer unharness'd in freedom can play,
       And safely o'er Odin's steep precipice stray,
       Whilst the wolf to the forest recesses may fly,
       And howl to the moon as she glides through the sky."

In that country it is the substitute for the horse, the cow, the goat, and the sheep. From its milk is produced cheese; from its skin, clothing; from its tendons, bowstrings and thread; from its horns, glue; from its bones, spoons; and its flesh furnishes food. In England we have the stag, an animal of great beauty, and much admired. He is a native of many parts of Europe, and is supposed to have been originally introduced into this country from France. About a century back he was to be found wild in some of the rough and mountainous parts of Wales, as well as in the forests of Exmoor, in Devonshire, and the woods on the banks of the Tamar. In the middle ages the deer formed food for the not over abstemious monks, as represented by Friar Tuck's larder, in the admirable fiction of "Ivanhoe;" and at a later period it was a deer-stealing adventure that drove the "ingenious" William Shakspeare to London, to become a common player, and the greatest dramatist that ever lived.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Manners on Monday ~ Visiting – Etiquette for the Hostess.

Note: This extract is posted true to text in the Ladies’ Book of Etiquette and Manners.

When you write to invite a friend to visit you, name a time when it will be convenient and agreeable for you to receive her, and if she accepts your invitation, so arrange your duties and engagements that they will not interfere with your devoting the principal part of your time to the entertainment of your guest. If you have certain duties which must be performed daily, say so frankly when she first arrives, and see that during the time you are so occupied she has work, reading, music, or some other employment, to pass the time away pleasantly.

Have a room prepared especially for her use, and let her occupy it alone. Many persons have a dislike to any one sleeping with them, and will be kept awake by a companion in the room or bed. Above all, do not put a child to sleep in the chamber with your guest.

The day before your friend arrives, have her room swept, dusted, and aired; put clean, fresh linen upon the bed, see that the curtains are in good order, the locks in perfect repair, and the closet or wardrobe and bureau empty for her clothes. Have upon the bureau a pin cushion well filled, hair pins, brush and comb, and two mirrors, one large, and one small for the hand, as she may wish to smooth her hair, without unpacking her own toilet articles. Upon the washstand, have two pitchers full of water, a cup, tumbler, soap-dish and soap, basin, brush-dish, and a sponge, wash rag, and plenty of clean towels.

Have both a feather bed and a mattress upon the bedstead, that she may place whichever she prefers uppermost. Two sheets, a blanket, quilt, and counterpane, should be on the bed, and there should be two extra blankets in the room, should she require more covering in the night.

On the mantel piece, place a few books that she may read, if she wishes, before sleeping. Have upon the mantel piece a box of matches, and if the room is not lighted by gas, have also a supply of candles in a box, and a candlestick.

If the room is not heated by a furnace, be careful that the fire is made every morning before she rises, and keep a good supply of fuel in the room.

Besides the larger chairs, have a low one, to use while changing the shoes or washing the feet.

Upon the table, place a full supply of writing materials, as your guest may wish to send word of her safe arrival before unpacking her own writing-desk. Put two or three postage stamps upon this table.

Be sure that bells, locks, hinges, and windows, are all in perfect order.

Before your guest arrives, go to her room. If it is in winter, have a good fire, hot water on the washstand, and see that the windows are tightly closed, and the room cheerful with sunshine, or plenty of candle or gas light. If in summer, draw the curtains, bow the shutters, open the windows, and have a fan upon the table. It is well to have a bath ready, should your guest desire that refreshment after the dust and heat of traveling.

When the time arrives at which you may expect your guest, send a carriage to the station to meet her, and, if possible, go yourself, or send some member of the family to welcome her there. After her baggage is on the carriage, drive immediately to the house, and be certain all is ready there for her comfort.

As soon as she is at your house, have her trunks carried immediately to her own room, and lead her there yourself. Then, after warmly assuring her how welcome she is, leave her alone to change her dress, bathe, or lie down if she wishes. If her journey has been a long one, and it is not the usual hour for your next meal, have a substantial repast ready for her about half an hour after her arrival, with tea or coffee.

If she arrives late at night, after she has removed her bonnet and bathed her face, invite her to partake of a substantial supper, and then pity her weariness and lead the way to her room. She may politely assert that she can still sit up and talk, but be careful you do not keep her up too long; and do not waken her in the morning. After the first day, she will, of course, desire to breakfast at your usual hour, but if she has had a long, fatiguing journey, she will be glad to sleep late the first day. Be careful that she has a hot breakfast ready when she does rise, and take a seat at the table to wait upon her.

After the chambermaid has arranged the guest-chamber in the morning, go in yourself and see that all is in order, and comfortable, and that there is plenty of fresh water and towels, the bed properly made, and the room dusted. Then do not go in again through the day, unless invited. If you are constantly running in, to put a chair back, open or shut the windows, or arrange the furniture, you will entirely destroy the pleasantest part of your guest's visit, by reminding her that she is not at home, and must not take liberties, even in her own room. It looks, too, as if you were afraid to trust her, and thought she would injure the furniture.

If you have children, forbid them to enter the room your friend occupies, unless she invites them to do so, or they are sent there with a message.

If your household duties will occupy your time for some hours in the morning, introduce your guest to the piano, book-case, or picture-folio, and place all at her service. When your duties are finished, either join her in her own room, or invite her to sit with you, and work, chatting, meanwhile, together. If you keep your own carriage, place it at her disposal as soon as she arrives.

If she is a stranger in the city, accompany her to the points of interest she may wish to visit, and also offer to show her where to find the best goods, should she wish to do any shopping.

Enquire of your visitor if there is any particular habit she may wish to indulge in, such as rising late, retiring early, lying down in the daytime, or any other habit that your family do not usually follow. If there is, arrange it so that she may enjoy her peculiarity in comfort. If there is any dish which is distasteful to her, avoid placing it upon the table during her visit, and if she mentions, in conversation, any favorite dish, have it frequently placed before her.

If she is accustomed to eat just before retiring, and your family do not take supper, see that something is sent to her room every night.

If your friend has intimate friends in the same city, beside yourself, it is an act of kindly courtesy to invite them to dinner, tea, or to pass a day, and when calls are made, and you see that it would be pleasant, invite the caller to remain to dinner or tea.

Never accept any invitation, either to a party, ball, or public entertainment, that does not include your guest. In answering the invitation give that as your reason for declining, when another note will be sent enclosing an invitation for her. If the invitation is from an intimate friend, say, in answering it, that your guest is with you, and that she will accompany you.

It is a mistaken idea to suppose that hospitality and courtesy require constant attention to a guest. There are times when she may prefer to be alone, either to write letters, to read, or practice. Some ladies follow a guest from one room to another, never leaving them alone for a single instant, when they would enjoy an hour or two in the library or at the piano, but do not like to say so.

The best rule is to make your guest feel that she is heartily welcome, and perfectly at home.

When she is ready to leave you, see that her trunks are strapped in time by the servants, have a carriage ready to take her to the station, have the breakfast or dinner at an hour that will suit her, prepare a luncheon for her to carry, and let some gentleman in the family escort her to the wharf, check her trunks, and procure her tickets.

If your guest is in mourning, decline any invitations to parties or places of amusement whilst she is with you. Show her by such little attentions that you sympathize in her recent affliction, and that the pleasure of her society, and the love you bear her, make such sacrifices of gayety trifling, compared with the sweet duty of comforting her.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Supper ~ August Dinner for Eight Persons

From Mrs. Beeton's Household Management

  Julienne Soup.
  Fillets of Turbot and Dutch Sauce.
  Red Mullet.

  Riz de Veau aux Tomates.
  Fillets of Ducks and Peas.

  Haunch of Venison.
  Boiled Capon and Oysters.
  Ham, garnished.

  Fruit Jelly.
  Compote of Greengages.
  Plum Tart. Custards, in glasses.
  Omelette soufflé.