Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Goals


New Years Day and time to set some goals for 2012. I’m not calling them New Year resolutions as I never keep those things. These are the goals I want and need to achieve this year. My best writing buddy Suz (S E Gilchrist) is big on setting goals, in fact not only does she keep track of her goals she is the minder of goals for our F2F writing group. She is also great at pushing me to reach for more when it come to what I need to achieve.
There’s that old saying writing your goals down so you are accountable, well here are my goals for 2012:
Finish editing first 3 chapters of Lady Mounthall by 21st January to send off to be critique by Michelle Styles.
Edit short story for anthology by 7th January.
Finish writing and editing Lady Mounthall by 1st July ready to pitch at RWA conference in August.
Enter Valerie Parv Awards.
Plot out next Regency romance.
Edit at least 2 of my contemporary romances.

Blog at least once a week.

Loss 12kg by RWA conference or 31st July.
Don’t spend as much this year.
Stay on top of housework (hate doing that).
Visit Mum at least once a week more if possible.
Spend time with my family as much as possible.

Okay that’s it for now. I’ll break these down into weekly and monthly goals I have this great new diary where I can write my goals for the year, month and week. I’m feeling very positive about this year. It’s full steam ahead.
Good luck with your goals.


Shayne said...

Hi Sandie. Happy New Year.

I'm cobbling together a list as well. I've decided it's better than not doing it at all.

Hope your dreams come true in 2012.

Suzanne Hamilton said...

Love it! (Thanks for the plug, Sandie- lol) I'm also with you re the weight loss. What is so fantastic about the start of a new year - its like a mystery tour. I hope this year sees the realisation of your dreams and goals.

Eleni Konstantine said...

Happy New Year, Sandie!! Good luck with your goals.
E x

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Wow Sandie. I guess I should get to doing something about writing my goals down soon. :)

Hope to see you soon,