Sunday, June 15, 2008

Two Weeks Down, Two To Go

We are at the end of week two for the ‘50ks In 30 Days’ challenge. I’m on 44,104 words for the challenge and almost finished the second WIP I wanted finished. I had hoped to have it finished today but with two days out with my saggy middle and my daughter and grandson staying with us tonight I didn’t quite make it.

Tomorrow I’m off to the movies with my grandson to see ‘Speed Racer’, the horse show we were supposed to go to has been cancelled due to the forecast of rain. So it is movies in the morning for me, then writing in the afternoon. Hopefully I’ll be able to get the last 5,896 words done to finish this story so I can get to work on the next one.

The next story is my erotic romance. I’m at 30,248 words for it so only have another 19,752 to go. If I can get this one finished this month as well that will give me four full MS’s to edit in July. Of course if I get my finger out and finish this one in the week, I still have another eight I can work on. This will be good practice for me and November with NaNoWriMo, I plan to write an Historical romance, they are normally 70,000 to 100,000+ words, if I can write at this speed in November I just may get my Historical finished or very close to finished.

I’ve been giving some thought to some of my current WIP’s and I may change a couple to novellas. I’ll see how I go, last time I tried writing a novella it turned into a novel. So maybe if I try for a novel it may turn into a novella. Yes I know its Irish but I know what I mean.

Anyway I’m off to bed. I happy I got to do at least a little writing tonight. I have to be up early in the morning ready for my movie adventure and if I’m very lucky I may even get an hour’s writing in before I go. I girl can only hope.

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