Sunday, March 16, 2008

Top Ten Books

I was over at Booklust and came across a thread for 'Top Ten Desert Island Books'. It got me thinking about what books would I take on a Desert Island. So here is my list:

1. Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen

2. Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell

3. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

4. North and South by John Jakes

5. A Good Dictionary

6. Stands a Calder Man by Janet Dailey

7. Emma by Jane Austen

8. Jane Eyer by Charlotte Bronte

9. Roget's International Thesaurus

10. The English Patient by Michael Ordaatje

What would your list consist? If you're interested in seeing what other's had on their lists here is the link to Booklust.

Until next time.

Hugs Sandie


Rachael Blair said...

What no category romance???

Sandie Hudson said...

Sorry Rach I started with category romance but couldn't cut them down to a top ten. Then I started thinking which authors do I leave out, way too hard. So I went with this list, so much easier. Plus I don't hard anyone feelings. :)

I might do a top 100 category romance one day. :)


Diane said...

1. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
2. Riddley Walker - Russell Hoban
3. Love Struck - Melanie l'brooy
4. Bet Me - Jennifer Crusie
5. Gone with the Wind - Margaret Mitchell
6 A Connecticut Fashionista in King Arthur's Court
7. The Unknown Terrorist - Richard Flanagan
8. Complete works of William Shakespeare
9. Page after Page - Heather Sellers
10. Blind Submission - Deborah Ginsberg.

That is a mixed bag. Should keep me happy!

Sandie Hudson said...

That is a mixed bag Miss Diane. Thanks for your in put.