October 1980, the same year as our son. Now, I know 28 is a good age for a horse. But that doesn't stop us from grieving her passing.
Joesie was one of those horses that you couldn't help but love. Her gentle nature won everyone over. She took our daughter to High Point Youth of NSW two years running and Paint Horse of Australia High Point Youth one year. Tammy could get Joesie to do anything she wanted her to do. I remember the time when Tam came in and said she wanted to teach Joesie to do Trail Events (this is where horse and rider has to negotiate obstacles without the horse refusing to go over or through the course.) Now Joesie was not that keen on the idea, but Tam worked with her everyday and in the end had that mare doing every obstacle in no time.
Joesie will be sadly missed by us all, but in the end
watching her roll in pain with colic was more than we could cope with, the odds were that if we got her right this time, the next bout would more than likely be worse. It is never easy saying goodbye to something that has been part of your life for so long. It is even harder telling your daughter that it is time for her to say goodbye to her best friend.
Joesie will be laid to rest on the farm here with us along with two other of our horses. We'll buy a tree to plant by her and shade her final resting place and know that in her time with us we did all we could to give her a good life.
Rest In Peace Joesie.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear of losing your much loved horse. I can understand your sadness. They're such lovely creatures.
I was amazed to learn recently that my first horse is still alive, which makes her 32 years old. I'm very grateful that the family I sold her to loved her as much as I did and have let her live out her years on their farm as your Joesie did.
You have my sincere sympathy. I do know how you feel.
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