Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday Madness - Re-Writes

I started on my edits and re-writes again today. So far getting rid of the first two chapters of 'We Were In Love' has cut out 9,500 words. But I did write 1,000 back in with another couple of scenes. I've been thinking about this for the last couple of days, and I do think it will make the story flow better, at least at a quicker pace. This way will bring Jackie and Tyler's meeting a lot earlier in the story. The words I've cut I can reuse some of them, not sure how many yet, I'll just have to keep working on that front.

I've also organised for a topic chat for RWAustralia loop to take place on Friday. I have some great authors to help me out with that, but you'll have to wait for more on that one.

Mum came home from respite today and seems happy enough. She told my Auntie yesterday that she is a bit afraid to be at home on her own, which is a worry. I'm going down to have tomorrow with her and my older sister is going to spend Wednesday with her. I am so thankful that I have brothers and sisters, I really do not know how only children manage at these sort of times.

Anyway I'm heading off to bed, I have to be up early to take Hubby to work.
Happy writing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This site might help your discussion on world-building: